September 2023

In January 2022 on facebook, I predicted the influx of foreign investments through illicit methods into our Australian property market. So much so, that I urged those in power to investigate the origin of these funds and the channels through which they entered our country. For over twenty months, foreign investment has gone unquestioned regarding the source and the practices of such property investments. Now financial pundits are astounded at how $60 billion has been able to purchase an enormous percentage of our land. Yet when I predicted the uncontrollable effect on our own population to purchase their own homes, I was severely labelled as racist. Obviously money walks and bullshit talks.

Now for my predictions,
*the number of homeless on the east coast of Australia will increase by 20% by March 2024.
*Unemployment is to skyrocket throughout parts of Asia especially by July 2024
*Our bushfire season will not be as severe as those wildfires throughout Europe and the USA.
*The crowns of Europe will celebrate a Royal wedding with the period of 6 either weeks or months.
*The plates of Central America seem to be shifting in the waves until December.
*Malcolm Turnbull will face extreme criticism after the New Year.